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20 Jahre Guts Pie Earshot – Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Montag, 23. Dezember 2013 von heikoheftich

2013 we exist now for 20 years…

What does it mean to us?

20 Years of traveling…
20 Years of struggle for survive…
20 Years of struggle for projects…
20 Years of politics…

1000 concerts…
10 releases….

it is a long long time with many
ups and downs,
we made so many experiences,
we met so many people
we saw so many countries

we met so many
idealistic people becoming boring,
boring people becoming idealistic

we saw so many cool projects built,
we saw so many projects destroyed.

we are really really grateful
to all of you
who keep us alive …

we are grateful to have the chance
to be part of a time… of a scene…
that we love to support
and wich supports us.

via gutspieearshot.de

Auch im Jahr 2013 haben Guts Pie Earshot wieder „releast“: Einen kurzen Einblick in das neue Album „Amparo Fugaz“ gibt es auf der bandcamp-Webseite von Guts Pie Earshot oder direkt hier drunter:

Als kleiner Knüller des 20-jährigen Band-Jubiläums 2013 gibt es alle bisherigen Releases von Guts Pie Earshot als freien Download.

after 20 Years of existence we thought
it would be nice to get all our stuff
between 1993 and 2013 for
free download…

all the albums are now at soundcloud and for free download!

even if of course we are always happy to
get some donations if you want to support
us … :)

Alle bisherigen Releases von Guts Pie Earshot als freier Download

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