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Nice D.I.Y. Work by THEO!

Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2014 von heikoheftich

„last october we wrote in a Theo 2014 update:

Early birds,if you order now, til 18th of october, you can reserve your copy & a special earlybird-silkscreened bag with a Theo collage on it […]“

in the meantime the early birds got their bags and agendas & for all the others:

some pictures of the silkscreening process and the drying on line (online? ….huh….just a homonym) afterwards

attention please!

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See more impressions of the creative progress and process by clicking theobeam.wordpress.com, THEO: DIY art collective from Hamburg and Amsterdam

Kategorie: Art, Link, Photographie | Kommentare deaktiviert für Nice D.I.Y. Work by THEO!

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