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Zone à Defense – Protestcamps gegen Flughafen-Neubau

Montag, 17. Dezember 2012 von heikoheftich

„Seit drei Jahren versuchen die Flughafenbesetzer den Bau des neuen Flughafens Notre-Dame-des-Landes bei Nantes zu verhindern. Der Baubeginn ist für Anfang 2013 geplant. Auch die betroffenen Anwohner, vor allem Landwirte, wehren sich gegen ihre Enteignung. Seit Mitte Oktober wurden unter massiven Polizeieinsatz Umweltaktivisten von dem besetzten Gebiet vertrieben. Johann Rousselot dokumentierte das Leben auf dem besetzten Gelände und die Polizeieinsätze.“

„A fierce battle over a new airport project, going by the name of Notre-Dame-des-Landes struggle – a hamlet located in Pays de Loire region, 20km north to the city of Nantes – has gathered incredible momentum since mid-october 2012. The site of this proposed new airport complex (a public-private deal with Vinci company) on a swampland has been the ground of fierce clashes between French riot gendarmes and very determined opponents ; local farmers and residents, green warriors and activists, and above all Zadists : those are known as anarchists and anticapitalist youth who started to squat in evacuated houses and build treehouses and shacks from recycled material some three years ago to block the area to the project promoters. But main reason why those squatters settled here is they wanted to produce their own food and experience life out of the mainstream system to reach complete self-sufficiency. The authorities want to force them out so that preliminary work clearing the undergrowth can begin. Caesar operation was launched on october the 16th, 2012. A massive police operation that quickly led to repeated violence in the middle of this natural scenery. […]“

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